Monday, September 04, 2006

The 2006 June 17 2006

This is a hard job.....

The sales are great....

Team work help!

This is another great year. I hope next year will continue to improve.

There is something for everyone, you just have to look hard...

Team work..... we are family

I know it, when I see it..... got to keep looking

Team Work in family

The next sale is 2007 June. Do not miss out this time.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Garage Sale 2005

Working the sale.....

The Great South Side Garage Sale 2005

In June of 2005 the near south side community organizations teamed to host this event.
June of 2005 over 35 homes played a role. The homes were from 31st Street to 51st Street
State Street – Cottage Grove.

The Gap neighborhood is from 31st Street on the north, 35th on the south, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive on the east, and Dan Ryan on east.